That's All Folks | Rome
I just reread my first blog post from before I came to Rome. First off, thank you to everyone who has followed this blog, sent an encouraging message, and shared my "insights"; I really do appreciate it. I've been dreading this post since before I came because I knew it meant the end. Not the end of the blog but rather the end of Rome. I said I wanted to conquer my fears while I was here. Now, I'm terrified of returning back home. I suppose that is just another fear I have to conquer too.
For my last post I wanted to share things I've learned about Rome, studying abroad, and myself. I hope it helps someone in the future to travel better or live better.
- When packing for a spring study abroad, pack sweaters, lots of them, and in dark colors.
- Don't ever buy a bus ticket in Rome. Actually, only buy one and keep it in your wallet in case you ever get checked.
- Don't get Hola! when you come abroad because you'll just waste time watching TV.
- ALWAYS live with a host family.
- Study abroad is real life with real consequences.
- Travel every weekend if you can.
- Learn how to say aggressive things in your language to creepy men who follow you.
- Foster relationships abroad AND back home. Back home relationships are the ones you will return to and you do not want to let those go.
- Pack peanut butter because most countries don't understand this great life joy.
- You can fit a week worth of clothes and toiletries in a school sized backpack.
- You haven't showered, she hasn't showered, he hasn't showered. Whatever.
- Don't buy water in Rome. Instead, fill up your water bottle in a fountain on the street.
- Keep a journal. It's fantastic for 20 years down the road and to sort out your feelings daily.
- Don't go to G Bar. Just don't do it.
- Stay out till 5 am because you can.
- Find a community of people like you and be sure you check in with them because it can get lonely if everyone is different from you.
- Don't buy data. Other people will have it and then you aren't reliant on your phone which is freeing.
- Eat as much as possible and gain weight. When else will you be able to do this?
- Write down skills you want to learn so in your free time you're not bored. And you will have free time.
- Get a fun job or internship. It won't take up that much time and you can learn about international companies.
- Class is kind of important. But only kind of.
- Lastly, know you'll only have this opportunity once. So make the most of it. Every. Single. Moment.
- Oh! And go to Rome. Seriously. It's the most magical city on Earth.
Again, thank you for reading my blog. On Sunday I'll be returning to America. As unenthused as I am, I do have exciting things coming up. May 11th I'm going vegan (feel free to harass me for that one). At the end of the month I'm flying to Sacramento to work for the summer. And I get to see my friends and family who I have missed so much.
This ache I feel when I think of coming back is all too real. Rome is now my home and I don't want to leave it because my heart is here. But that ache is good. It tells me I did this right. It tells me I fell in love just as I wanted to.
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