
Showing posts from May, 2015

Living On

I hate blood. I hate needles. I especially hate doctors. But I had decided I wanted to have my blood tested so I could compare my vitals after being vegan for 1 year. That morning, May 19th, my mom held my hand at 9:00 am as the nurse took my blood. By 12:30 pm I was holding my mom's hand. By 7:30 pm my mom was holding my grandmother's hand. By 9:30 pm my sister was holding my hand. By 12:00 am I was holding my sister's hand. After my blood was taken my mom and I went to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and went shopping. It was a lovely day and it took her mind off of her mother's simple heart procedure that morning. After my mom and I returned home she got a call from a nurse. "Do you have any siblings you should call?" That told us everything we needed to know: my grandmother was dying. At 7:00 am my mom talked to my grandmother before her heart procedure and told her she would talk to her in a few hours. I never talked to my grandmother that morning. By 7:30 am ...

That's All Folks | Rome

I just reread my first blog post from before I came to Rome. First off, thank you to everyone who has followed this blog, sent an encouraging message, and shared my "insights"; I really do appreciate it. I've been dreading this post since before I came because I knew it meant the end. Not the end of the blog but rather the end of Rome. I said I wanted to conquer my fears while I was here. Now, I'm terrified of returning back home. I suppose that is just another fear I have to conquer too. For my last post I wanted to share things I've learned about Rome, studying abroad, and myself. I hope it helps someone in the future to travel better or live better. When packing for a spring study abroad, pack sweaters, lots of them, and in dark colors. Don't ever buy a bus ticket in Rome. Actually, only buy one and keep it in your wallet in case you ever get checked. Don't get Hola! when you come abroad because you'll just waste time watching TV. ALWAYS l...