
Showing posts from January, 2018

New: Me, Home, Job | Vietnam

"I just finished reading all of your blogs and now I'm really sad." If this is also how you feel, then I'm really sorry. I never meant to make anyone sad. More importantly, I don't want to give the impression that I'm sad or I'm having a bad experience. Because truthfully, I'm not. I'm having an amazing experience. I came to Vietnam to teach. I really deep down came to Vietnam because James (my boyfriend) wanted to come here and I thought it sounded adventurous and one day we could tell our kids "Back when we were in Nam".... People apparently made bets on how long I'd last. Which to their credit is fair and I probably would have thought I'd be tired of it by now like I was in Costa Rica. What I found in Costa Rica that kept me there was James. What I found in Vietnam was myself (Original I know). Vietnam hasn't been about the food, the culture, or the people. Although I'm gearing up to write some lengthy and de...