One Night In Bangkok: Nothing Happens

I think I've confused people in the past with my honesty regarding my travels. If I've had a hard day or even a hard week I want to share that. Not because I need to get something off my chest but because I don't want people to feel alone in their feelings regarding traveling. Traveling can be soul filling, joyful, and the greatest adventure of your life but it can also be lonely, sad, and really hard at times. So when I'm honest I'm not saying I hate a certain place like Vietnam or that the whole experience is negative but these are my real feelings that I refuse to sugar coat so you too don't feel alone or falsely believe my life is some fairytale. So here are my feelings. This past weekend I went on a visa run to Bangkok, Thailand. Cue all of the thoughts about Hangover 2, One Night In Bangkok, and the Asian equivalent of Vegas. Well, that wasn't even remotely close to my experience. And trust me, it wasn't for a lack of trying. I tried so hard but...