Living In Awe | Cali

I was driving a white mini van pointing at the vineyards acting like a 5 year old seeing a new toy for the first time. I became extremely excited about the little town of Sonoma and how precious each building was. The town looks like the beginning of Magic Kingdom and I was just so happy to be there. I apologized to my coworker who was riding shot gun and he laughed and said we should all get this excited over things. From the terrifying top A year or so ago I was flying over mountains when I looked down and saw how beautiful they were. I remember thinking how does a plane actually work, how am I here right now, and how did I get to be so lucky? I decided from that moment on I would find something that was AWEsome everyday. As I see it, if you're not struck by your life everyday then something needs to change. I also got excited over jelly beans This weekend I was in Lake Tahoe with my Family 2 (the name they've assigned to themselves). I had heard about ...