Is there any hope left? | Mexico

I stare into vacant eyes. Unblinking they stare emotionless back at me. This little girl can't be more than 4 and yet a lifetime of hurt and pain is etched into her beautiful face. Another girl clings to a sticker. The sticker is a symbol of her past, her past with a family. A 6 year old has a huge bump on her forehead either from a blow to the head or a burn. Laughing and joyful, a small child colors with me. As I look at her, I notice marks around her neck from being choked or strangled. Two girls have panic attacks which seems normal around here. I watch as a little boy sobs silently at the table. Is this real I wonder? "You are deeply loved" Yes, it is very real. The CAT (which is a government run shelter for children age 0-16) is one of the hardest places we serve. All of these children are here because their story is dark. Parents dropped them off because they could no longer take care of them. Children were removed due to dangerous circumstances. Some await t...